An Authentic Family Around the Whole Gospel for the Glory of God and the Reaching of the Nations!
The phrase above is the assertion of our commitment to be a church – not a club or an organization – but a CHURCH!
We are striving to be a family. We do not want to be a club or a clique or a sect. We want to be a place marked by selfless love, peacemaking, patience, kindness, and mercy. We are striving to be centered on the gospel, the good news that God has come to the world in Jesus and has made a way through the cross for us to come home! We are striving to bring glory to God. We do not exist for ourselves. We exist to bring God glory! We are striving to reach the nations. We think the Great Commission, Jesus’ call to go into all the world and make disciples, is as binding on us today as it was on the original disciples. So we are a going, sending, reaching church!
We are striving to be a family. We do not want to be a club or a clique or a sect. We want to be a place marked by selfless love, peacemaking, patience, kindness, and mercy. We are striving to be centered on the gospel, the good news that God has come to the world in Jesus and has made a way through the cross for us to come home! We are striving to bring glory to God. We do not exist for ourselves. We exist to bring God glory! We are striving to reach the nations. We think the Great Commission, Jesus’ call to go into all the world and make disciples, is as binding on us today as it was on the original disciples. So we are a going, sending, reaching church!

This is who we are striving to be. Won’t you come join us in this journey?
Our Doctrinal Convictions
- Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6).
- The Bible is “God-breathed,” without error, and authoritative (2 Timothy 3:16).
- Salvation is the free, already-paid-for gift of God’s grace to sinful man which is received through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).
- There are two eternal destinations: heaven and hell. One’s standing with Jesus Christ determines one’s eternal destiny (Matthew 7:13-14).
- Jesus Christ is coming again (John 14:1-3)!