CBC Ministry Safe Compliance Initiative

This page is dedicated to providing our members and guests with resources and information regarding the safety of our children and volunteers at Central Baptist Church North Little Rock, AR. If you have any questions regarding any of the following resources please complete the form below and a member of our Ministerial Staff will reach out. Thank you! - CBC Ministerial Staff

Have questions about the policies?
Please email safecampus.cbcnlr@gmail.com or select the red button below. Thank you!

A Word from Our Staff

Welcome to the CBC Ministry Safe Compliance Page. Please explore the links and videos on this page for information regarding our safety measures for our children, students, and adults. If you have any questions please complete the form below and our team will connect with you. Thank you!

Central Baptist Church Policies

Information coming soon...

Ministry Safe Overview and Resources

Select the icon above for an overview of Ministry Safe's Overview and Resources.

Progress Toward Full and Perfect Compliance

Select the icon above for a timeline of our Action Steps regarding Ministry Safe Compliance.

State of the Church Address

Select the icon above to watch the State of the Church Address. The message begins at the 43:00 minute mark.

A Message for Our Teachers

Please click the icon above for a message to our teachers. Thanks!

A Word from Our Pastor

Select the icon above for a word from Pastor Wyman.

Have any questions?

Please fill out and submit this form and your questions will be sent to our Ministerial Staff.